Abstract Submission for Oral and Poster Presentations

Abstract Submission

The deadline for Abstract Submission ended on the 3rd April 2024. If you have been invited to submit an abstract, please us at Contact@Materials-Week.org to find out how to submit it.

Presentation Formats … are you up for the challenge of a 24/7 Poster Pitch?

Oral Presentations will be given up to 10 minutes presentation time plus 5 minutes for questions and hand-over time between presentations.

Depending on the number of oral presentations in your chosen session, the Session Chair may decide to shorten the time slots per speaker.

Poster Presentations will be asked to provide a 24/7 pitch, known from the Ig Noble Prize Ceremony, in the session of their choice:

  • First, a complete, technical description, in 24 seconds (slides are permitted).
  • Then, a clear summary that anyone can understand, in 7 words.

(*) the Abstract Template download does not work in Firefox – our apologies!

Please contact us on Contact@Materials-Week.org, and we will happy to send you a template via email.